Monday, March 23, 2009

Comparison of Frankenstein versions

Tag Cloud Comparison
The 1831 version utilizes much darker language than the earlier versions. Both 1818 versions use more positive, uplifting language. The two most prominent words for 1818 Thomas are deep and friend, but the other frequently used words are friendship, desire, confidence, and believed. IT seems to show a trend away from lots of negative. The 1831 seems to show a lot more sorrow and misery.

Did Mary Shelley write three different novels?
A: I do not think that she did. I do agree that subtle differences in word choice can have an effect on the larger narrative, but I think that it only changes parts of the interpretation, and then only to the trained eye. A casual reader of Frankenstein would not necessarily grasp the nuances of each version. It is the English scholars, whose job it is to dissect each word of a text, who would see the large differences.

What is the difference in what the stranger agrees to?
A: Thomas 1818 - Focuses more on the possibility of friendship and what it means.
Original 1818 - Focuses more on what type of "unfashioned" creatures men are.
1831 -

How does digitizing the texts help to visualize them?
A: Digitizing the texts allows visualization in a whole new medium, as well as a new degree of accessibility.

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